September 16, 2007

Joost And "The Velvet Rope"

Viacom wants to do 'new media'. They want Joost - their TV for the internet - to be a YouTube killer.

They want to compete with the democratic, easy-to-use YouTube. But they don't want to be democratic at all.

First, they don't want just anyone trying out Joost in beta. Nope, they have a 'velvet rope' like the snooty nightclubs that won't let you in.

If you want to try Joost, you have to know an 'insider', someone who is already using Joost. And, they have to invite you.

How old fashioned. How arrogant. How 20th century.

It just shows how they don't get it.

In the 21st Century, the customer rules. But Joost wants special customers - the ones who are already inside.

Suggestion to Viacom: Move into the 21st century. Drop the 'velvet' rope. You might learn something from those outside.